Yes, yes, it HAS been quiet over here -- I've been away from the sewing and the quilt-blog world for a while, now! But, I wanted to share my most recent projects, since I'm back in front of the machine now that school's done!
It has been a week of rainbows for me here. First up, a garbage bag dispenser for Z's kindergarten teacher (click the pictures for bigger):
I bought this charm pack of rainbow batiks for the charm hexagon quilt I'm working on, which meant I had 2.5x5" coins that worked perfectly for this little project! I am ridiculously pleased with how this turned out, and I hope Z's teacher likes it!
I can't take credit for the idea for this (I first saw it here, where her pictures are far better than mine), but it's such a good idea I couldn't help but do it for myself! I finally bought a Kona color card, and then...I cut it up! *GASP*
It's OK! I velcro-ed it back together!
The board I used is a 24x30" canvas, and the lesson I learned is don't underestimate how much velcro you need! I ended up using almost 21 feet -- so if you want to do this yourself, go ahead and buy the 20-foot box, you'll save a little $ and a couple trips to the store. :P
I'm still busy with a bunch of WsIP -- most of which are still listed here -- but I'm done with the Kaleidoscope quilt and nearly done with two more, so my finish-fest is underway this year. SO, I'm hoping for more frequent updates soon!
I hope everyone's doing well?